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5 Ways To Make Sure Your Facebook Ads Reach The Right Audience

Facebook Ads

If you’ve been using Facebook ads to drive customers and sales for your business, then I don’t have to tell you how great the targeting of the platform is.

Most of the time, advertisers are able to directly pinpoint their Facebook ads to their intended audience.

However, there are times when businesses have very specific offers targeted to a specific audience which cannot be easily targeted.

If you’re in this boat and you’ve been struggling to reach your exact audience, this is the post for you.

Below, we’ll discuss FIVE ways to make sure that your Facebook ads are able to reach the right audience:Read More5 Ways To Make Sure Your Facebook Ads Reach The Right Audience

Facebook Advertising: How to Get Direct Inquiries for Just P1,200 a Month

Facebook Advertising: How to Get Direct Inquiries for Just P1,200 a Month

As part of our mission to help you focus more on your passion, we at Taxumo will be inviting various experts here on our blog to guide you on how to grow your business effectively. 

Below, digital marketing specialist Julian Cañita explains how Facebook advertising can be a great platform to reach your potential market.

I know a lot of people who are really great at closing sales.

Give them inquiries and they can convert a lot of them into clients and customers.

But for some, business still tends to be slow. This is because having a good success rate of closing leads is not much if there are very few inquiries. And this tends to be what a lot of business owners neglect or put on the backseat. They just wait for inquiries to come in as opposed to actively looking to connect with potential prospects themselves.

One way to get your business out there is through advertising. But a lot of small businesses don’t venture into advertising because the misconception is that advertising costs a lot.

The truth is, it doesn’t have to!Read MoreFacebook Advertising: How to Get Direct Inquiries for Just P1,200 a Month

How To Quickly Do A 3-Step Facebook Ads Audit for Your Client

How To Do A 3-Step Facebook Ads Audit for Your Client

As part of our mission to help you focus more on your passion, we at Taxumo will be inviting various experts here on our blog to guide you on how to grow your business effectively. 

Below, digital marketing specialist Julian Cañita shares his expertise on Facebook advertising to help you grow your client’s business.

Are you a freelancer looking to get hired as a Facebook ads specialist?

Welcome to the club!

I’ve been that guy for the past two years, and the thing that’s helped me the most in landing my clients is my pleasing personality.

Just kidding.

When I pitch to clients, I tell them that my expertise is Facebook Ads and what I’ve done. But those are just words. They ask for portfolios.

The thing is, because of technicalities we do not need to get into in this post, I’m not able to show any of my previous work as a Facebook Ads specialist.

What I do instead is to conduct an audit of the potential client’s Facebook ad account. I ask for analyzer’s access, go through the ad account and map out what I plan to do for the business.

If you’re kind of in the same situation as I am and need help converting those prospects into clients, I’ll share with you how I do a quick Facebook Ads Audit.

Read MoreHow To Quickly Do A 3-Step Facebook Ads Audit for Your Client

What You Basically Need to Know About Facebook Ads

What You Basically Need to Know About Facebook Ads

As part of our mission to help you focus more on your passion, we at Taxumo will be inviting various experts here on our blog to guide you on how to grow your business effectively. 

Below, digital marketing specialist Julian Cañita explains how Facebook ads can be a great platform to reach your potential market.

So you want to run Facebook ads for your business?

That’s great!

As a Facebook Ads Specialist, I understand the power of using the platform as a way to grow businesses and how effective it can be. So if you are just planning to start on using Facebook ads, this piece is for you!

In this quick guide, I’ll teach you the very basics of the Facebook ad platform so you can get started.

Before continuing, I would recommend that you access your Facebook ads manager account. Take a quick look around and even do some tests yourself. This will help you better understand the points I’m about to lay out.

Once you’ve done that, then we’re okay to proceed.

Read MoreWhat You Basically Need to Know About Facebook Ads

Taxumo Heroes: Genesis Shares His Winning Advantage to Filipino Freelancers

  • Evan Tan 

Genesis Reonico of Online Jobs University

For Filipino freelancers, taking the leap from their corporate jobs into the wild world of online freelancing can be a daunting start to a rewarding career.

Luckily, it’s not as scary as it used to be. Many freelancers will not face the same problems that those who started years back had encountered, thanks to the web-based freelance mentoring platform Online Jobs University.

Below, we get to know more about Genesis, the founder of Online Job University, and his precious advice for Filipino freelancers, and just about everybody who wants to pursue their passion and make a difference:

Read MoreTaxumo Heroes: Genesis Shares His Winning Advantage to Filipino Freelancers

Taxumo Heroes: Why Paying His Income Tax Won’t Stop Raffy from Pursuing His Passion 

  • Evan Tan 

Taxumo Hero Raffy Vicente

It wasn’t always living a life he truly wanted for himself.

Before Raffy Vicente set out to build his own consultancy firm, he was working full-time as an employee for almost a decade.

He yearned for something more fulfilling, career-wise: a level-up of some sort. That was the time he decided that it was time for a change.

But while it was the desire for freedom that had made him leave, it was ultimately his burning passion and relentless drive that eventually built and grew his company, RV Marketing Services.

Below, Raffy recounts his rewarding journey from leaving the corporate world to joining the growing pool of successful entrepreneurs who continue to defy their comfort zones, in the name of following and living out their passions:Read MoreTaxumo Heroes: Why Paying His Income Tax Won’t Stop Raffy from Pursuing His Passion 

What You Need to Hear About the BMBE Law

The BMBE Law (Barangay Micro Business Enterprise)  (copy of the law here) has certainly come a long way.

If you had applied for it in 2013, you might have encountered staff and officers at the municipal hall’s business permits and licensing office blankly wondering what the heck are you applying for.

But now, it’s one of the first things small-scale entrepreneurs ask about.

There’s plenty of information online about the BMBE Law nowadays, so I won’t write anymore about the stuff you’ll find rewritten in various forms all over the Internet.

Instead, let’s talk about the nitty-gritties of the BMBE Law—the stuff you seldom hear about.

Read MoreWhat You Need to Hear About the BMBE Law

Withholding Tax 101 (or, ‘Why Is My Pay Less Than What My Client Said It Would Be?’)

Withholding Taxes Philippines

How withholding tax feels like, sometimes: someone taking a bite out of your favorite doughnut before you can eat it. (Then again, lessening calories can be good for you.)

If you’re a freelancer with local clients, you must be familiar with withholding tax. 

Simply put, it’s the amount of money that your client deducts from the amount you’re supposed to receive. So if you’re expecting, say, Php 3,000, you might end up getting Php 2,700 instead.

Where did that missing Php 300 go?

It went to your withholding tax

Withholding tax: What Is It?Read MoreWithholding Tax 101 (or, ‘Why Is My Pay Less Than What My Client Said It Would Be?’)

Basic Types of Taxes Every Proprietor and Professional Needs to Pay to the BIR

Basic Taxes Every Proprietor and Professional Needs to Pay to the Bureau of Internal Revenue

Many of us who start a business come from a regular employment setting.  So when we decide to register our business with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), it comes as a shock when we learn that there are several types of taxes.

Yes, aside from income tax, there are other types of taxes that a business owner needs to pay–and that they need to file various tax forms many times a year.

Of course, we can’t spare you the payments, but we can at least spare you the shock.

Here, for your reading pleasure, are all the basic types of taxes and fees every professional or business owner needs to pay once they have registered with the BIR:

Read MoreBasic Types of Taxes Every Proprietor and Professional Needs to Pay to the BIR